- Install the Arch Linux distribution for Kernels compilation
- Install the archiso (remark: archiso requires the root permissions)
- Prepare a working directory (for example: live)
# su # mkdir live # cd live # cp -vr /usr/share/archiso/configs/releng/. .
Customize the boot configuration files
- add the packages to be included into the image
# nano packages.x86_64
arch-install-scripts b43-fwcutter broadcom-wl btrfs-progs crda darkhttpd ddrescue dhclient dialog dmraid dnsmasq dnsutils dosfstools elinks ethtool exfat-utils f2fs-tools fsarchiver gcc gdb git gnu-netcat gptfdisk grml-zsh-config grub hdparm ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw irssi lftp linux-atm linux-headers lsscsi make mtools ndisc6 networkmanager nfs-utils nilfs-utils nmap ntfs-3g ntp openconnect openssh openvpn partclone parted partimage ppp pptpclient refind-efi rp-pppoe rsync sdparm sg3_utils smartmontools sudo tcpdump testdisk unzip usb_modeswitch # valgrind vim-minimal vpnc wget wireless_tools wpa_actiond wvdial xl2tpd
- modify the SysLinux configuration section files with the following contents
# nano syslinux/archiso_head.cfg
SERIAL 0 38400 #UI boot/syslinux/vesamenu.c32 UI boot/syslinux/menu.c32 MENU TITLE Arch Linux (x86_64) [ CoreFreq ] #MENU BACKGROUND boot/syslinux/splash.png MENU WIDTH 78 MENU MARGIN 4 MENU ROWS 10 MENU VSHIFT 3 MENU TIMEOUTROW 16 MENU TABMSGROW 17 MENU CMDLINEROW 16 MENU HELPMSGROW 20 MENU HELPMSGENDROW -1 # Refer to MENU COLOR border 30;44 #40ffffff #a0000000 std MENU COLOR title 1;36;44 #9033ccff #a0000000 std MENU COLOR sel 7;37;40 #e0ffffff #20ffffff all MENU COLOR unsel 37;44 #50ffffff #a0000000 std MENU COLOR help 37;40 #c0ffffff #a0000000 std MENU COLOR timeout_msg 37;40 #80ffffff #00000000 std MENU COLOR timeout 1;37;40 #c0ffffff #00000000 std MENU COLOR msg07 37;40 #90ffffff #a0000000 std MENU COLOR tabmsg 31;40 #30ffffff #00000000 std MENU CLEAR TIMEOUT 120
# nano syslinux/archiso_pxe.cfg
INCLUDE boot/syslinux/archiso_head.cfg LABEL arch64_nbd TEXT HELP Boot the Arch Linux (x86_64) live medium (Using NBD). It allows you to install Arch Linux or perform system maintenance. ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot Arch Linux (x86_64) (NBD) LINUX boot/x86_64/vmlinuz INITRD boot/intel_ucode.img,boot/x86_64/archiso.img APPEND nmi_watchdog=0 archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL% archiso_nbd_srv=${pxeserver} SYSAPPEND 3 LABEL arch64_nfs TEXT HELP Boot the Arch Linux (x86_64) live medium (Using NFS). It allows you to install Arch Linux or perform system maintenance. ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot Arch Linux (x86_64) (NFS) LINUX boot/x86_64/vmlinuz INITRD boot/intel_ucode.img,boot/x86_64/archiso.img APPEND nmi_watchdog=0 archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archiso_nfs_srv=${pxeserver}:/run/archiso/bootmnt SYSAPPEND 3 LABEL arch64_http TEXT HELP Boot the Arch Linux (x86_64) live medium (Using HTTP). It allows you to install Arch Linux or perform system maintenance. ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot Arch Linux (x86_64) (HTTP) LINUX boot/x86_64/vmlinuz INITRD boot/intel_ucode.img,boot/x86_64/archiso.img APPEND nmi_watchdog=0 archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archiso_http_srv=http://${pxeserver}/ SYSAPPEND 3 INCLUDE boot/syslinux/archiso_tail.cfg
# nano syslinux/archiso_sys.cfg
INCLUDE boot/syslinux/archiso_head.cfg LABEL arch64 TEXT HELP Boot the Arch Linux. [Text video mode] ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot Arch Linux [Text] [English] LINUX boot/x86_64/vmlinuz INITRD boot/intel_ucode.img,boot/x86_64/archiso.img APPEND archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL% nmi_watchdog=0 earlysh selinux=0 plymouth.enable=0 text rd.systemd.show_status=auto rd.udev.log-priority=3 consoleblank=0 vga=current nomodeset cow_spacesize=512M modprobe.blacklist=pcspkr,iTCO_wdt cpu0_hotplug LABEL french TEXT HELP Demarrer Arch Linux. [Mode video texte] ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot Arch Linux [Text] [Francais] LINUX boot/x86_64/vmlinuz INITRD boot/intel_ucode.img,boot/x86_64/archiso.img APPEND archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL% nmi_watchdog=0 earlysh locale.LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 vconsole.keymap=fr selinux=0 plymouth.enable=0 text rd.systemd.show_status=auto rd.udev.log-priority=3 consoleblank=0 vga=current nomodeset cow_spacesize=512M modprobe.blacklist=pcspkr,iTCO_wdt cpu0_hotplug LABEL deutch TEXT HELP Starten Sie den Arch Linux. [Text video modus] ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot Arch Linux [Text] [Deutch] LINUX boot/x86_64/vmlinuz INITRD boot/intel_ucode.img,boot/x86_64/archiso.img APPEND archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL% nmi_watchdog=0 earlysh locale.LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 vconsole.keymap=de selinux=0 plymouth.enable=0 text rd.systemd.show_status=auto rd.udev.log-priority=3 consoleblank=0 vga=current nomodeset cow_spacesize=512M modprobe.blacklist=pcspkr,iTCO_wdt cpu0_hotplug LABEL spanish TEXT HELP Arranque el Arch Linux. [Modo de video de texto] ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot Arch Linux [Text] [Espanol] LINUX boot/x86_64/vmlinuz INITRD boot/intel_ucode.img,boot/x86_64/archiso.img APPEND archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL% nmi_watchdog=0 earlysh locale.LANG=es_ES.UTF-8 vconsole.keymap=es selinux=0 plymouth.enable=0 text rd.systemd.show_status=auto rd.udev.log-priority=3 consoleblank=0 vga=current nomodeset cow_spacesize=512M modprobe.blacklist=pcspkr,iTCO_wdt cpu0_hotplug LABEL envesa TEXT HELP Boot the Arch Linux. [Graphic video mode] ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot Arch Linux [VESA] [English] LINUX boot/x86_64/vmlinuz INITRD boot/intel_ucode.img,boot/x86_64/archiso.img APPEND archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL% nmi_watchdog=0 earlysh selinux=0 plymouth.enable=0 rd.systemd.show_status=auto rd.udev.log-priority=3 consoleblank=0 cow_spacesize=512M modprobe.blacklist=pcspkr,iTCO_wdt cpu0_hotplug LABEL frvesa TEXT HELP Demarrer Arch Linux. [Mode video graphique] ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot Arch Linux [VESA] [Francais] LINUX boot/x86_64/vmlinuz INITRD boot/intel_ucode.img,boot/x86_64/archiso.img APPEND archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL% nmi_watchdog=0 earlysh locale.LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 vconsole.keymap=fr selinux=0 plymouth.enable=0 rd.systemd.show_status=auto rd.udev.log-priority=3 consoleblank=0 cow_spacesize=512M modprobe.blacklist=pcspkr,iTCO_wdt cpu0_hotplug LABEL devesa TEXT HELP Starten Sie den Arch Linux. [Grafischer videomodus] ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot Arch Linux [VESA] [Deutch] LINUX boot/x86_64/vmlinuz INITRD boot/intel_ucode.img,boot/x86_64/archiso.img APPEND archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL% nmi_watchdog=0 earlysh locale.LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 vconsole.keymap=de selinux=0 plymouth.enable=0 rd.systemd.show_status=auto rd.udev.log-priority=3 consoleblank=0 cow_spacesize=512M modprobe.blacklist=pcspkr,iTCO_wdt cpu0_hotplug LABEL spvesa TEXT HELP Arranque el Arch Linux. [Modo de video grafico] ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot Arch Linux [VESA] [Espanol] LINUX boot/x86_64/vmlinuz INITRD boot/intel_ucode.img,boot/x86_64/archiso.img APPEND archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL% nmi_watchdog=0 earlysh locale.LANG=es_ES.UTF-8 vconsole.keymap=es selinux=0 plymouth.enable=0 rd.systemd.show_status=auto rd.udev.log-priority=3 consoleblank=0 cow_spacesize=512M modprobe.blacklist=pcspkr,iTCO_wdt cpu0_hotplug INCLUDE boot/syslinux/archiso_tail.cfg
# nano syslinux/archiso_tail.cfg
LABEL poweroff MENU LABEL Power Off COM32 boot/syslinux/poweroff.c32 LABEL reboot MENU LABEL Reboot COM32 boot/syslinux/reboot.c32 LABEL existing TEXT HELP Boot an existing operating system. Press TAB to edit the disk and partition number to boot. ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot existing OS COM32 boot/syslinux/chain.c32 APPEND hd0 0 # LABEL memtest MENU LABEL Run Memtest86+ (RAM test) LINUX boot/memtest # LABEL hdt MENU LABEL Hardware Information (HDT) COM32 boot/syslinux/hdt.c32 APPEND modules_alias=boot/syslinux/hdt/modalias.gz pciids=boot/syslinux/hdt/pciids.gz
- isolinux remains unchanged
- modify the EFI boot configuration
# nano efiboot/loader/loader.conf
timeout 12 default archiso-x86_64
# nano efiboot/loader/entries/archiso-x86_64-cd.conf
title Arch Linux archiso x86_64 UEFI CD linux /EFI/archiso/vmlinuz.efi initrd /EFI/archiso/intel_ucode.img initrd /EFI/archiso/archiso.img options archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL% nmi_watchdog=0 selinux=0 rd.systemd.show_status=auto rd.udev.log-priority=3 consoleblank=0 nomodeset cow_spacesize=512M modprobe.blacklist=pcspkr,iTCO_wdt cpu0_hotplug
# nano efiboot/loader/entries/archiso-x86_64-usb.conf
title Arch Linux archiso x86_64 UEFI USB linux /%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz initrd /%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/intel_ucode.img initrd /%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/x86_64/archiso.img options archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL% nmi_watchdog=0 selinux=0 rd.systemd.show_status=auto rd.udev.log-priority=3 consoleblank=0 nomodeset cow_spacesize=512M modprobe.blacklist=pcspkr,iTCO_wdt cpu0_hotplug
Prepare the root file system
# cp -v /etc/locale.gen airootfs/etc/ # nano airootfs/etc/locale.gen
de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8 de_DE ISO-8859-1 en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 en_US ISO-8859-1 es_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8 es_ES ISO-8859-1 fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8 fr_FR ISO-8859-1
# nano airootfs/etc/locale.conf
- optionally makes the editor full screen with programming syntax coloring
# nano airootfs/etc/nanorc
set constantshow set morespace set nohelp set nonewlines set nowrap set showcursor set smarthome set titlecolor brightwhite,red set statuscolor brightwhite,red set selectedcolor brightwhite,cyan set numbercolor magenta set keycolor brightmagenta set functioncolor magenta include "/usr/share/nano/*.nanorc"
# mkdir airootfs/etc/skel # mkdir airootfs/etc/sysctl.d
- disable the Watchdog, system wide
# nano airootfs/etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf
kernel.watchdog = 0
- add the CoreFreq personal systemd boot unit ...
# nano airootfs/etc/systemd/system/early-shell.service
[Unit] Description=Early configuration shell ConditionKernelCommandLine=earlysh [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/etc/systemd/scripts/early-shell [Install]
- ... and the unit associated script
# nano airootfs/etc/systemd/scripts/early-shell
#!/bin/bash KEY=`grep -oP '(?<=\bvconsole.keymap=)[^;]+' /proc/cmdline | cut -f 1 -d " "` if [ -n "${KEY}" ]; then localectl set-keymap ${KEY} fi case "${KEY}" in ( fr ) localectl set-locale "LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8" ;; ( de ) localectl set-locale "LANG=de_DE.UTF-8" ;; ( es ) localectl set-locale "LANG=es_ES.UTF-8" ;; ( * ) localectl set-locale "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" ;; esac if [ -f /sys/devices/cpu/rdpmc ]; then echo 2 > /sys/devices/cpu/rdpmc fi
# chmod +x airootfs/etc/systemd/scripts/early-shell
# touch airootfs/root/.hushlogin # nano airootfs/root/.zlogin
~/ if [[ ${TTY} == "/dev/tty1" ]]; then fi
# nano airootfs/root/
#!/bin/bash set -e -u sed -i 's/#\(en_US\.UTF-8\)/\1/' /etc/locale.gen locale-gen ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime usermod -s /usr/bin/zsh root cp -aT /etc/skel/ /root/ chmod 700 /root sed -i 's/#\(PermitRootLogin \).\+/\1yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i "s/#Server/Server/g" /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist sed -i 's/#\(Storage=\)auto/\1volatile/' /etc/systemd/journald.conf sed -i 's/#\(HandleSuspendKey=\)suspend/\1ignore/' /etc/systemd/logind.conf sed -i 's/#\(HandleHibernateKey=\)hibernate/\1ignore/' /etc/systemd/logind.conf sed -i 's/#\(HandleLidSwitch=\)suspend/\1ignore/' /etc/systemd/logind.conf systemctl enable pacman-init.service choose-mirror.service early-shell.service wpa_supplicant NetworkManager systemctl set-default
- add the CoreFreq helper scripts
# mkdir airootfs/root/bin # nano airootfs/root/bin/
#!/bin/bash cd /opt/CoreFreq make if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then insmod corefreqk.ko if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then sleep 1 ./corefreqd -q & pid=$! sleep 1 ./corefreq-cli kill -s SIGQUIT ${pid} sleep 1 fi rmmod corefreqk.ko fi cd
# nano airootfs/root/bin/
#!/bin/bash cd /opt/CoreFreq make if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then insmod corefreqk.ko Experimental=1 NMI_Disable=0 if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then sleep 1 ./corefreqd -q & pid=$! sleep 1 ./corefreq-cli kill -s SIGQUIT ${pid} sleep 1 fi rmmod corefreqk.ko fi cd
# nano airootfs/root/bin/
#!/bin/bash cd /opt declare -i cloned=0 for url in do bak=$(stat -c "%X" CoreFreq) mv CoreFreq CoreFreq.${bak} git clone ${url} if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then mv -f CoreFreq.${bak} CoreFreq else cloned=1 break fi done if (( cloned != 1 )) then wget --no-verbose -O if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then bak=$(stat -c "%X" CoreFreq) mv CoreFreq CoreFreq.${bak} unzip -q if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then mv -f CoreFreq.${bak} CoreFreq else mv CoreFreq-master CoreFreq fi rm -f fi fi cd
# nano airootfs/root/bin/
#!/bin/bash HELPERS=$(ls --color -C ${HOME}/bin) echo echo "Starting CoreFreq in 9 seconds" echo echo "Helpers are: ${HELPERS}" echo echo -n "Press [CTRL]+[C] to abort" sleep 9 if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then echo echo fi
# chmod +x airootfs/root/bin/ # chmod +x airootfs/root/bin/ # chmod +x airootfs/root/bin/ # chmod +x airootfs/root/bin/
- get the CoreFreq source code from the GitHub
# mkdir -p airootfs/opt/CoreFreq # git clone airootfs/opt/CoreFreq/
Build and Burn the image
- first create a cleanup script
# nano
#!/bin/bash rm out/*.iso rm -fr work/iso rm -v work/build.make_*
# chmod +x
- now start building the image
# ./ -v
- remark: the image is named with the date of the day
# cdrecord blank=fast # cdrecord -overburn out/archlinux-2018.07.07-x86_64.iso
Boot CoreFreq
Once the CD is burned, reboot the computer selecting CDROM as the boot option.
As shown into the Wiki, CoreFreq will be fully automatized from its compilation up to its startup.
At any time, you can exit from CoreFreq with [F4] or [CTRL] + [C]
You will be brought back to the command line where you can use the helper scripts to:
Update to the last source code (just enter wifi to configure a wireless connection)
Try the experimental mode (for example, the Memory Controller)
Start in nominal mode
Power off computer
# poweroff
- EOF -
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